4,800-year-old Fossils of Young Mother Cradling Her Baby Discovered in Taiwan (video)

Discovering ancient artifacts and ruins is no easy feat, to say the least, but the sad reality we live in dictates that most of these findings don’t really make their way into the news for the most part. In order for a story to get itself the recognition, it deserves you need to actually have an incentive that attracts the media’s attention.

Luckily, however, some are just impossible to not talk about and gush over, such as the case for today’s report which comes to us from a site known as An-ho from the Taichung City Taiwan.

The discovery was undergone by expert archaeologist Chu Whei-Lee from Taiwan’s National Museum of Science and according to her, this discovery is definitely showcasing the fact that love can protrude even past generations.

The people that lived here in ancient times were the Dabenkeng, and they officially came to Taiwan around 5,000 years ago from the south and southeastern coasts of China. The Dabenkeng were quite knowledgeable and they are the oldest known inhabitants of Taiwan as far as we can tell.

In this site, 48 graves were discovered amongst which five children were uncovered. One specific grave though showcased the tragic loss of a mother as her baby mysteriously died. You can see her cradling her child and according to experts this actually dates back to over 4,800 years ago.

She most likely was buried alive with her child as she wanted to go to the afterlife with her baby after it was taken away from her. VIDEO:

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