Ewuare (also known as Ewuare the Great or Ewuare I) was the Oba (king) of the Benin Empire from 1440 to 1473. Ewuare became king after a violent coup against his brother Uwaifiokun that destroyed large partBenin City.
Following the war, Ewuare rebuilt much of Benin's city, restructured
political systems in the kingdom, widened the kingdom's territory, and promoted
the arts and festivals. He left a significant legacy and he is widely regarded
as the first King of the Kingdom of Benin.
Prior to Ewuare, the uzama, a community of hereditary chieftains in the
empire, restricted the Oba of Benin's power and authority. Following the death
of an Oba, the uzama were able to nominate the Oba of Benin and restrict the
Oba's efforts.
Oral history in Benin documents Ewuare's rise to power. The Oba Ohen's
third son, Ewuare, was born. Prince Ogun was the name given to Ewuare at this
Following Ohen's death, Oba Orobiru, Ohen's second son, exiled both
Prince Ogun and his brother Prince Irughe, causing a rift. Oba Egbeka, Ohen's
first son, had ruled after their father died, but he did not reign for long.
Ogun then traveled extensively across the country in exile, visiting a variety
of kingdoms.
Both Ogun and Uwaifaikon were exiled from the city after Orobiru's
death, according to local historian Jacob U. Egharevba, but Uwaifaikon was able
to return, lie to the Uzama, and was named king.
According to legend, while Prince Ogun was exiled, he did a favor for a
jungle spirit and was rewarded with a magical bag known as Agbavboko. Agbavboko
had the magical qualities that no matter what Ogun put into the bag, it had
more space and he could take out whatever he wanted whenever he reached in. He
gathered important magical and herbal knowledge from a number of sources during
his travels.
He tried hard to sleep under the sacred uloko tree at one point, and
the tree advised him to return to Benin City and regain the throne. He removed
an infected thorn from a lion's paw on his way back to the city, and the lion
gave him a magical Talisman that he could use to make any situation in the
world he wanted.
When he arrived in Benin City, he was shocked to see a parade for his
brother Uwaifaikon taking place while the people were starving.
Prince Ogun used the talisman to set fire to vast sections of the
capital. He then reached into Agbavboko and took out a poison arrow-tipped bow,
which he used to kill Uwaifaikon. In the ensuing chaos, he hid with Edo, a
slave who had raised him when he was young and who instantly recognised him in
the chaos.
Uwaifaikon supporters broke into Edo's house and killed him while
looking for Ogun, who had gone into hiding. Ogun then left the house, gathered
his followers, and asserted his claim to the throne.
In Egharevba's version, Ogun was taken in by a prominent chief during a
visit to the city during his exile, who hid him in a dried well before
reporting him to the authorities. Edo, the chief's head slave, lowered a ladder
into the well and urged Ewuare to flee.
After that, Ogun adopted the name Ewuare, which means "the trouble
has ended." The honorific Ogidigan (the Great) was eventually added to his
name, and he is now known as Ewuare Ogidigan or Ewuare the Great. His accession
to the throne is generally dated to 1440
Ewuare renamed the city Edo (now Benin City to honor the slave who had
given his life to save his master,
Ewuare Reign
Ewuare is widely regarded as a key state reformer who was instrumental
in many aspects of state formation in the Benin empire. He consolidated the
Oba's power, altered lineage procedures, and established an administrative
structure for the Empire. Furthermore, he greatly expanded the empire and took
control of a significant territory.
Ewuare's major administrative development was reducing the power of the
uzama chiefs, who were a limiting force on the Oba. Ewuare abolished their
ability to appoint the Oba in favor of a clear succession to the first-born
son. The uzama's authority was greatly decreased by the adoption of this
primogeniture lineage system.
Furthermore, in order to clarify the situation, Ewuare created the
Edaiken title for the oldest son in order to clearly establish the lineage.
According to one oral history, this development occurred in the city of Uselu.
Iken, the chief of Uselu, had become an ally of Ewuare. Another city
revolted against Ewuare's rule at one point, and Iken mobilized an army to put
an end to the rebellion.
Because he lacked a ruler for Uselu, Ewuare dispatched his eldest son
Kuoboyuwa to serve in the town until the war was over. Iken was killed in the
fighting, and because he had no heir, Kuoboyuwa took over as ruler. This
incident established a clear succession to the king's oldest son, who was given
the title Edaiken as a result of the incident.
Ewuare also established two additional levels of administration in
towns and villages, the Eghabho n'ore (town chiefs) and Eghabho n'ogbe (village
chiefs) (palace chiefs). These served as administrative arms, directly
appointed and accountable to the Oba, collecting tribute, dealing with legal
issues, and generally participating in state affairs. To encourage this, Ewuare
encouraged the freeborn population to work in the palace for low wages as
members of these various orders.
Furthermore, Ewuare was successful in capturing a number of cities and
towns in the region in order to expand the empire. He personally led the army
against many Edo communities west of the Niger River, as well as key Yoruba
settlements such as Akure and Owo.
He quickly replaced the ruling elite in towns he took over with chiefs
of his administrative system who were his allies. Oral history recounts Ewuare's
201 victories over various cities and towns, resulting in a large empire
centered in Edo.
During Ewuare, the empire's capital city was rebuilt with significant
redesign. Ewuare constructed significant walls and moats around Benin City
(then Edo), large boulevards within the city, and clearly defined zones for
different craft work.
Archeological evidence indicates that the walls built around the palace
and city, as well as further out into the country, were significant
constructions that took many years to complete.
Furthermore, he rebuilt the palace and established a clear separation
between it and the rest of the capital city. Ewuare's introduction of
scarification for freeborn citizens to distinguish them from the slave
population emphasized the division even further. Egharevba identifies a
different source of the scarification that has spread throughout the Kingdom.
Oral histories used by Egharevba suggest that during his reign, his
oldest son Kuoboyuwa (the ruler of Iken) and his second son Ezuwarha (the ruler
of Iyowa) became rivals and poisoned each other, causing Ewuare to go into deep
mourning. In his grief, Ewuare passed a law prohibiting sex in the kingdom for
three years, causing many kingdom members to migrate to other areas.
Ewuare overturned the law, but because few migrants returned, he
instructed all neighboring states to refuse entry to his citizens and developed
scarification to allow clear identification of their citizens.
Contact with the Portuguese
When the Portuguese explorer Ruy de Sequeira arrived in 1472, Ewuare
was the Oba of the Benin empire. It is unknown whether he entered the city, but
contacts were established between the Portuguese and the Oba.
This established limited trade between the two empires, which would be
greatly expanded starting in the 1480s. The King of Portugal formed an alliance
with Oba Esigie, the first Oba of Benin to interact with Portuguese.
Arts and celebration
During his reign, Ewuare vastly expanded the arts in Benin and was
greatly aided in this through increased trade. Ewuare is widely credited with
popularizing ivory and wood carving throughout the empire, as well as the
creation of bronze heads for shrines to deceased Obas. Furthermore, Ewuare
established many of the royal decoration traditions.
Ewuare is depicted as a person with significant magical powers in both
folktales and artistic representations. His herbal and magical knowledge is
attested to in a variety of possible works of art from the time. The creation
of the Igue festival during Ewuare, which was originally celebrated as a
festival to renew his magical powers, is critical in this.
According to one oral history, the Igue festival was originally
scheduled to coincide with the marriage of Ewuare and his wife Ewere. He is
also credited with founding the Ugie Erha ba festival, which honored the Obas.
Death and lineage
Details about his death are uncertain, but Egharevba claims he was
buried at Esi, near the town of Edo (Benin City). His first remaining son,
Ezoti, was assassinated, and his second son, Olua, ruled for a short time
before being deposed when the uzama revolted. Ozolua, his third son, became Oba
around 1483 and ruled until 1514. The royal lineage of Ewuare would last for
many generations.